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NRI Fixed Deposit with ICICI Bank Limited


Invest your UK and India income for a fixed term at a competitive interest rate. Read on to know more about ICICI Bank’s NRI Fixed Deposit.

India Linked Fixed Deposits

ICICI Bank India Linked Fixed Deposits gives you an opportunity to invest your UK and India income through competitive interest rates for a fixed term. ICICI Bank India Linked Fixed Deposit has three types of products:

  1. Non-Resident External Fixed Deposit Account (NRE FD)
  2. Non-Resident Ordinary Fixed Deposit Account (NRO FD)
  3. Foreign Currency Non-Resident Account (FCNR)

Click here to apply for a free call back facility to open an NRI account.

Please note: These products and services are not regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority. Protections afforded by the UK regulatory system, including the Financial Services Compensation Scheme (FSCS) will not apply.

Product Overview

  • Satisfactory Identity and address verification documents
  • Non-Resident Indian (NRI) or Overseas Citizen of India (OCI)
Interest Rates Click here to view the current interest rates. Interest calculated is rounded to the nearest rupee. Interest is paid half-yearly in September and March. Interest rates are subject to change.
Minimum Balance
  • NRE FD: INR 25,000
  • NRO FD: INR 25,000
  • FCNR: USD/EURO/GBP 1,000.

NRE/NRO FD: interest will be calculated at the rate applicable for the period for which the deposit was held with the Bank or contracted rate of the deposit whichever is lower, plus applicable penalty as below:

Original Tenure of Deposit Penal Rates (in %)
Less than Rs 50.0 mn Rs 50.0 mn & above
Less than 1 year 0.5 0.5
1 year & above but less than 5 years 1 1
5 years and above 1 1.5
  • Interest is not paid if the NRE FD is prematurely closed within a period of 1 year. Any, interest payments made incase of traditional NRE FDs will be recovered from the principal amount of FD if pre-maturely closed within one year.
  • FCNR : No premature penalty. No interest payable for deposits if prematurely closed within 1 year.

Who offers India Linked fixed deposits?
All India Linked deposit products and services are offered by ICICI Bank India.

Are India Linked fixed deposits regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority?
India Linked deposit products and services are not regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority. Hence, rules made under the UK Financial Services and Markets Act 2000 for the protection of customers do not apply.

Are India Linked fixed deposits protected under the Financial Services Compensation Scheme (FSCS)?
Protection afforded by the UK regulatory system, including the Financial Services Compensation Scheme (FSCS), does not apply.

Who regulates NR products?
All banking products of ICICI Bank India are regulated by Reserve Bank of India

What is the role of ICICI Bank UK PLC in providing India Linked Fixed Deposits?
ICICI Bank UK PLC acts as an introducer and only helps in facilitating client documentation to initiate the relationship with the respective ICICI Group company offering such product or service.

What should I do if I have a complaint?

If you wish to register a complaint, please contact us at:


Customer Relations,

2nd Floor,

One Thomas More Square,

London E1W 1YN

Call our Customer Service Centre at 08081 31 41 51 (freephone from a UK landline)


Email us at

Please note: ICICI Bank UK PLC is responsible for resolving pre-sales complaints and ICICI Bank India is responsible for resolving post-sale complaints

  • Approved for the purpose of Section 21 of the Financial Services and Markets Act, 2000 (FSMA) by ICICI Bank UK PLC (Company No. 04663024) having its registered office at One Thomas More Square, London E1W 1YN. ICICI Bank UK PLC is authorised by the Prudential Regulation Authority (“PRA”) and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority (“FCA) and PRA.
  • These products and services are not authorized and regulated by the FCA and PRA, hence rules made under the Financial Services and Markets Act 2000 (“FSMA”) for the protection of customers do not apply. Protection offered by the UK regulatory system, including the Financial Services Compensation Scheme (“FSCS”) will not apply. The products and services mentioned here are offered by ICICI Bank Limited (“ICICI Bank”).  ICICI Bank Limited is incorporated in India and is regulated by the Reserve Bank of India (“RBI”) and having its corporate office in Mumbai, India. The products and services mentioned are subject to Reserve Bank of India (RBI) rules/regulations and/or other applicable laws in India. The deposits mentioned are covered under the insurance scheme offered by Deposit Insurance and Credit Guarantee Corporation of India (DICGC) subject to certain limits and conditions.

For NRIs in the UK looking for an investment opportunity that offers competitive returns, ICICI Bank NRE FD is a good option.  The product features include:

  • Minimum deposit amount isINR 25,000
  • Interest earned is not taxed at source
  • Principal amount and interest earned is fully and easily repatriable
  • Convenient and automatic renewal of principal and interest on maturity
  • Option to choose tenure anywherebetween one and 10 years
  • Electronic Deposit Confirmation Advise (E-DCA) on your email ID within one working day (if you have subscribed for account statement via email)
  • Option to open Joint Account  with another NRI

The NRO FD is an option for NRIs who want to earn regular returns on their Indian earnings such as rent, dividends, Indian salaries and pension payments.. The features are:

  • Tenure ranges from seven days to 10 years
  • Minimum deposit amount is INR 25,000
  • Automatic renewal of deposits on maturity
  • Double Taxation Avoidance Agreement (DTAA) benefit facility. Click here to apply.
  • Interest earned in a financial year is fully repatriable (after tax deduction). Funds in an NRO FD can be repatriated up to USD one million per financial year
  • Joint account option with an Indian resident or NRIElectronic Deposit Confirmation Advice (E–DCA) to your email ID within one working day (if you have subscribed for account statement via email)

The FCNR gives you the opportunity to earn competitive returns on your overseas earnings in India, without converting them into Indian currency.

  • Flexibility of opening the account in multiple currencies : US Dollar (USD), British Pound (GBP), Euro (EUR), Japanese Yen (JPY), Canadian Dollar (CAD) and Australian Dollar (AUD)
  • Minimum deposit amount is USD 1000, GBP 1000, EUR 1000, JPY 200,000, CAD 2000 and AUD 2000
  • Principal amount and interest earned are fully repatriable .
  • Interest earned is not taxed at source
  • Tenure ranges from one to five years
  • Automatic renewal of principal and interest on maturity
  • Electronic Deposit Confirmation Advice (E- DCA) to your email ID within one working day (if you have subscribed for account statement via email)
  • Option to open a Joint Account with another NRI

It is mandatory to open India linked saving account (NRE/NRO acount) to open a fixed deposit account. Please click here for more information on how to open a savings account.

For further help, please get in touch with our customer care executive at 08081 31 41 51 (free call from a UK landline), or write to us at

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