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Scheduled maintenance: Please be advised, there will be a scheduled maintenance on 22 Feb 2025, between the hours of 02:00 AM to 06:00 AM GMT, and you will be unable to do any faster payment transfer to UK account during this period. We are sorry if this affects you. You may use the services once they are up.

Scheduled maintenance: Please be advised, there will be a scheduled maintenance on 23 Feb 2025, between the hours of 02:30 AM to 03:45 AM GMT, and some services will be impacted during this period. We are sorry if this affects you. You may use the services once they are up.


HiSAVE Accounts FAQs

At HiSAVE we offer a range of savings accounts to meet all your savings needs. All HiSAVE savings accounts are online accounts - so you open and manage them online. We aim to ensure all our savings accounts are simple, straightforward and offer consistently competitive interest rates.


HiSAVE offers the following types of savings accounts:


No notice savings accounts: These savings accounts allow you access to your savings without having to give notice of withdrawing funds. We offer a HiSAVE Savings Account. HiSAVE Super Savings Account and  HiSAVE Remittance Account.


Fixed Rate Accounts: These savings accounts, or ‘savings bonds’ as they are sometimes known, are designed for people who are able to save a lump sum for a fixed length of time (referred to as the ‘term’). These types of savings accounts have a fixed rate of interest so you don’t need to worry about interest rates falling during the term of the savings account. We offer a HiSAVE Fixed Rate Account. You cannot withdraw funds from this account until maturity.

There’s no difference between a Fixed Rate Account and a Fixed Rate Bond. They are exactly the same thing. These accounts are designed for savers who are able to save a lump sum for a fixed term without making any withdrawals.

A Fixed Rate Account (or Fixed Rate Bond) attracts a fixed rate of interest, which means savers know exactly how much interest they will earn over the term of their account/bond. The name for this type of account is HiSAVE Fixed Rate Account.

A high interest savings account pays an interest rate for deposits that is higher than average, enabling savings to grow at a faster rate. To help you find a high interest rate account you can use the Money Advice Service comparative tables or tables compiled by independent providers such as MoneySavingExpert, Moneyfacts, MoneySuperMarket or LoveMoney.

A Best Buy rating is awarded by independent comparison providers such as MoneySavingExpert, Moneyfacts, MoneySuperMarket or LoveMoney to accounts that have the highest interest rate available at that point in time.

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