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Thank you for your request.

Your reference number is CRM

Our executive will contact you shortly

Scheduled maintenance: Please be advised, there will be a scheduled maintenance on 22 Feb 2025, between the hours of 02:00 AM to 06:00 AM GMT, and you will be unable to do any faster payment transfer to UK account during this period. We are sorry if this affects you. You may use the services once they are up.

Scheduled maintenance: Please be advised, there will be a scheduled maintenance on 23 Feb 2025, between the hours of 02:30 AM to 03:45 AM GMT, and some services will be impacted during this period. We are sorry if this affects you. You may use the services once they are up.


Fraudulent emails Information

We will never call or email you asking you to confirm your security details.


If you receive any of the above claiming to be from ICICI Bank and asking for account information, do not respond to it. Instead please let us know immediately by forwarding the email to for HiSAVE Accounts and for Branch Banking or calling us 24/7 on 0344 412 4444 (Calls to this number use free plan minutes if available, otherwise they cost the same as 01/02 prefix calls) .


In case you have already given such sensitive information, please report this immediately to or by calling us 24/7 on 0344 412 4444 (Calls to this number use free plan minutes if available, otherwise they cost the same as 01/02 prefix calls) . You may need to change your password, PIN or log in details.


For further information related to Online Security, how we protect your information and how you can remain vigilant please go through our security policy.

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